Tuesday 3 April 2007

Twin Peaks Season 2!!

Stumbled upon this a moment ago! AT LAST! It's been six years since the season 1 boxset came out, and most of that time was taken up with all sorts of legal wrangling over distribution rights, but it's here.

Sort of....

It seems to be available in the U.S, but not the U.K as yet. Come on guys! Time to make it available to those of us in England who like a good cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie.

This was such a HUGE show when I was at college, and I have fond memories of my friends and I trying to work out what the significance was when a unicorn appeared in Laura Palmer's living room. Truly original telly. The Show took a slide halfway through season 2, but it's good to be able to see it from start to finish.

Shows like "The X Files" & "Lost" wouldn't be around today if it hadn't blazed the trail it did.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought it on Amazon.com and had it shipped over here. Ahhh the joys of having access to a US bank account.