Monday 6 July 2009

When the rock & roll nightmare comes, the devil's gonna make me eat my drums!

They came, they saw, they went to 11. Spinal Tap played their 1 date World Tour at Wembley Arena on Tuesday night and my ears are still ringing!

I was impressed they didn't do any schtick, they just played an awesome gig and relied on the fact that the songs were strong enough (and funny enough) to stand on their own. So apart from dwarfs dancing around an inflatable Stonehenge the "jokes" were kept to a minimum, with just little bits of banter between songs.

I soon realised that these guys can really play! They sounded very assured and tight, making a noise that Metallica would envy. Chris.... sorry, Nigel Tufnel's guitar solo (though overlong) was masterful. Dave St Hubbins voice has lost none of it's power over the years and Derek Smalls proffered lukewarm support on base.

A wonderful night was had by all.

But there's more. During the first few songs official looking women with clipboards were roaming the arena. It transpired that they were looking for women to go up on stage and dance with the band during the song "Big Bottom". They picked my wife!!! Luckily people took along camera phones so the moment has been recorded for posterity. Or posterior.

If you know her, she makes her first appearance around the 1:47 mark.


And just for the hell of it, the video for The Magesty Of Rock!

Tap were supported by The Folksmen. Brilliant!


Unknown said...

There's such a fine line between clever and stupid, huh?

theonlyspoon said...

None more black.