Saturday 30 October 2010

The Social Network

Finally saw this last night. It took a bit of persuading to get my wife to come as the subject matter held no interest for her. However, the twin pull of David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac, Panic Room ect) and Aaron Sorkin (West Wing, Studio 60, Charlie Wilson's War) was enough to get her into the cinema.

It was a blissful mix of Fincher's energetic visual flare and ability to extract amazing performances from his actors and Sorkin's witty, snappy dialogue.

As for the truth of the story, I assume like most films of this nature that the broad strokes are probably as near to the mark as they can get, but the smaller details are poetic licence. The soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross is also excellent and will be finding it's way into my ever expanding collection.

Well worth a look.

And I still think that Fincher's Alien 3 is a lost masterpiece.

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