Flight of the Conchords is a Grammy Award-winning folk, pop, and comedy band composed of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. Billing themselves as "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo"(having been bumped by a tribute band of themselves, Like of the Conchords), the group uses a combination of observation, characterisation and acoustic guitars to work the audience. The duo's comedy and music became first the basis of a BBC radio series and then an American television series, which premiered in 2007.
The above is the Wikipedia entry for Flight of the Conchords. They're the funniest thing I've come across in a long time. Comedy songs are the hardest thing to pull off and usually wear out their welcome very quickly. The Conchords songs all avoid that trap, they're funny but also work as songs in their own right. I guarantee that you will be singing "Business Time" for a week after you hear it.
There is a link on the right to the Radio 2 show they did a while back. It's a shame that the British contingent of the cast spoil it a bit. The Conchords delivery is very calm and deadpan (a little like Spinal Tap) but the Brits are in full sitcom mode and it can be a bit jarring at times.