Sunday, 31 October 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
The Social Network
Finally saw this last night. It took a bit of persuading to get my wife to come as the subject matter held no interest for her. However, the twin pull of David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac, Panic Room ect) and Aaron Sorkin (West Wing, Studio 60, Charlie Wilson's War) was enough to get her into the cinema.
It was a blissful mix of Fincher's energetic visual flare and ability to extract amazing performances from his actors and Sorkin's witty, snappy dialogue.
As for the truth of the story, I assume like most films of this nature that the broad strokes are probably as near to the mark as they can get, but the smaller details are poetic licence. The soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross is also excellent and will be finding it's way into my ever expanding collection.
Well worth a look.
And I still think that Fincher's Alien 3 is a lost masterpiece.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Have removed all the divshare links until I can sort all this out or find a replacement.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
The Divshare Saga Continues....... Oh, and some photos.

Deep breath.
I was looking around my divshare account trying to figure out why some files worked and others didn't when I came across the "privacy" setting.
This was new to me, it wasn't there when I joined. Now that I've set all the relevant files to "public" they should all work.
(pinch of salt)
It's worth pointing out that I'm a free member of the site so I have a monthly download limit. If you try to download something and it says that the account has reached it's limit wait until around the end of the month and try again. The National Theatre Of Brent stuff is the main culprit, it seems to be the most popular.
Now a few pics from our recent family trip to Mortehoe in Devon.
Divshare Doldrums Part 2.
Seems that diveshare is still causing problems. It used to be reliable but seems to be quite flakey these days.
I think it's gonna be so long diveshare!
I'll have a hunt around for an alternative.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Friday, 22 October 2010
All the diveshare links now work. I've also updated the "Tunes I Like Right Now" section. The new tracks are....
1 - Theme from Mousehunt - Alan Silvestri - I'm a huge soundtracks collector and this album is a new addition.
2 - Windolicker - Aphex Twin - The more I listen to it the more amazing it gets.
3 - Ashes To Ashes - David Bowie - It's Bowie! What else is there to say?
4 - Sugalumps - Flight Of The Concords - Brilliant pastiche of the Black Eyed Peas track "My Humps".
1 - Theme from Mousehunt - Alan Silvestri - I'm a huge soundtracks collector and this album is a new addition.
2 - Windolicker - Aphex Twin - The more I listen to it the more amazing it gets.
3 - Ashes To Ashes - David Bowie - It's Bowie! What else is there to say?
4 - Sugalumps - Flight Of The Concords - Brilliant pastiche of the Black Eyed Peas track "My Humps".
Diveshare doldrums..
Seems that quite a few of the files that I posted on diveshare are corrupted. I'll spend some time tonight uploading new copies to replace them.
Life The Universe & Everything
It's been an age since I posted anything about myself, life has managed to consistently get in the way.
New job, (now OLD job as I've moved on) baby, (now screaming toddler) outside projects, (not enough of them) have all meant that time is at a premium.
I'm in the process of doing what all men of a certain age do, taking stock. It's NOT a mid life crisis (yet) but it IS a concerted effort to look at things in my life and decide whether I should..
a) Hunker down, settle on a career while letting some ideas and dreams go in an attempt to be the responsible earner.
b) Keep trying to move towards what I always wanted to do, stop worrying about being "grown up" and enjoy life more.
On the surface it seems like an easy decision, but it ain't. My brain is all about a, but my heart is all about b.
Anyway, in an effort to focus me a little and not waste so much time on BLOODY FACEBOOK, I've decided to pay more attention to my blog. To use it as a portal for jotting down little doodles from my life, from my favourite music, films and books, to stuff I've been up to. You know, the usual stuff.
Here we go.
New job, (now OLD job as I've moved on) baby, (now screaming toddler) outside projects, (not enough of them) have all meant that time is at a premium.
I'm in the process of doing what all men of a certain age do, taking stock. It's NOT a mid life crisis (yet) but it IS a concerted effort to look at things in my life and decide whether I should..
a) Hunker down, settle on a career while letting some ideas and dreams go in an attempt to be the responsible earner.
b) Keep trying to move towards what I always wanted to do, stop worrying about being "grown up" and enjoy life more.
On the surface it seems like an easy decision, but it ain't. My brain is all about a, but my heart is all about b.
Anyway, in an effort to focus me a little and not waste so much time on BLOODY FACEBOOK, I've decided to pay more attention to my blog. To use it as a portal for jotting down little doodles from my life, from my favourite music, films and books, to stuff I've been up to. You know, the usual stuff.
Here we go.
The Book Of Love and Washing Of The Water
Mr G is still easily my favourite male recording artist. Long may he continue.
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