Beyond that I've been rejoicing in my new desk! Yes, I AM that sad.
We've spent what seems like years getting our basement done. Actually, that's because it DID take years. Our first builder (note the use of the word "first") didn't do anything for a year, so we gave him the boot.
But in the end we went from this......
To this....
A great little nook where I can put my ever increasing collection of books n' stuff.
Oh.... AND use it as an office.
The books now need alphabetising. I'll get around to it one day. The desk went in last weekend as the one we had before was in danger of collapse. I'm pretty sure that only good will was keeping it together.
On the way home from our friends house today I took some pictures of the river that runs past the bottom of our garden. Hmmmmm.... What a great day.